Next Steps – Our Response at Ci

Like the rest of the world, we at Communications International (Ci) are keeping a close eye on the consistently changing status of COVID-19. With the latest announcement of companies throughout the country resuming standard business operations, we are continuing to take precautionary measures to keep our employees, partners, and customers safe.

The Ci team is responding to this situation by practicing the recommended CDC guidelines at each of our branches. We continue to stress the importance of our employees and customers following the CDC guidelines, some of which include:

  • Wash your hands often and with soap and water.  Hand sanitizers must contain at least 60% alcohol
  • Avoid sharing personal items
  • Maintaining social distance (6 feet) is very important in preventing the spread of COVID 19
  • Clean all “high touch” surfaces daily
  • Cover your sneeze or cough with a tissue and dispose of tissue
  • Cough or sneeze into your elbow if tissue is not available
  • If you feel sick or start to develop symptoms, please stay home


Be sure to visit the CDC website for a full list of details.

We will continue closely monitoring the latest breaking news associated with the COVID-19 outbreak. We understand that you, along with your loved ones, may be experiencing uncertainty during these trying times. We’re here to help with information and resources as they become available.

Your safety and well-being remain top of mind for us.

Links to COVID-19 Resources

Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Grant Program

Federal Coronavirus Relief Bill (CARES Act)

Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA)

World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus


Coronavirus Public Crisis Line (866) 342-6892

Toll free emotional support helpline available to anyone 24/7

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